Kain Woodshaft

created by: Lady Chaos
pic: See Gallery
Age: about 18 or 19
Birthdate: August 23
Height: 5'8"
Hometown: Wutai
Alignment: Double Agent. Works for both the Planet and Jenova.
Weapon: A crossbow
Materia: 1 Steal (command), 1 Restore, Summon: Chocobo/Mog
Limit Breaks:
Broken Arrow
For each arrow shot during the limit break, (up to five), the arrow
splits in two and does double the damage or attacks multiple enemies.

Crimson Fang (Acquired after his merger with Inu)
The black sheathed sword appears before Inu in the air and he grabs
it. Pulling it from the sheath, the red-bladed sword gives off a
crimson light which surrounds him. He rushes forward and slashes
the sword, the blade lengthens and reduces all enemies who are hit to
1 HP.

"I'm the charming, sophisticated rogue with a heart of gold who everyone
can't help but fall in love with."

"Just watch, the moment you turn your back...I'm gonna have a pair of
boxers on my head and I'll be doing a rain dance."

Background story:

Kain was born the youngest son of Diana and Odin Woodshaft, also the
parents of Abel Woodshaft. While Kain was a child, he worshiped his
older brother and wanted to be just like him. Once Abel became an established
hero in Wutai, Kain started to resent the attention his older brother got,
even going so far as to honestly convince himself that he hated him. Kain was
never allowed into the Wutai army, as he was deemed "not good enough" and
"too young". When Wutai fell to Shinra and his older brother was killed, he
never said a word...locking away all the feelings of guilt over his jealousy of his

As Wutai was transformed into a tourist trap, Kain discovered he had other
talents. Talents like being the most charming and sweetest talking con artist/thief
this side of Costa De Sol. So he made his money and passed his days putting those
talents to good use.

When Yuffie left Wutai to go out and seek people to come back and fight for Wutai's
freedom, Kain followed her, enticed by the thought of world travel and "bigger scams".
He's been travelling with Yuffie ever since, acting as sort of body guard/rival materia
hunter. It's been suggested the two have a romantic interest in each other.

Upon meeting Gabriel, and being shocked at how he resembled his brother, Kain has
decided to stick around and find out more about the enigmatic treasure hunter.

Kain is mean spirited by nature. His jealousy over his brother has led him to become
vicious and he'll stop at nothing to get what he wants. He's also selfish, always putting
himself before anyone else. He enjoys belittling people and manipulating them because
it makes him feel powerful. This shared hobby between Bri and himself often leads to
intense battles of wits (with plenty of below-the-belt hits) that have to be broken up
by other members of the party (Usually Gabriel. No one else seems to care if Bri and
Kain kill each other.)

Jenova-Sephiroth first approached Kain as seeing him as an ally against Gabriel.
At times Sephiroth-half seems to "borrow" Kain's body. Kain also works to place seeds
of distrust amongst the team members. Where his loyalties really lie is a complete mystery.

After meeting up with the team (here I mean Gabe, Inno, Bri)
Bri hit him over the head with her scythe and he blacked out. Ever since then Kain
will spontaneously begin to act really, really oddly (for him at least, perfectly IC
for someone else).

In these moments, he's extremely nice to everyone, and keeps asking if he can help
in any way. He randomly hugs Bri, Aeris, Inno, Tifa, Yuffie...any other female nearby
while saying something like "Oh, there you are! I was looking everywhere for you!" or
"I'm so glad you're all right!" There isn't anything Hentai or sneaky in the hugs.
They seem to be an expression of genuine concern. Aside from his radical phase shift
from self-centeredness to concern for others, he insists on calling Bri, Yuffie and Inno "Sofee"
and is constantly looking for them even if they're right in front of him. He's also begun
saying things that don't really make any sense and making references to things that he
seems to feel the rest of them should know about.
He walks up to Indigo, Max, Gevura, or Kizn and talks to them like he knows them,
but calls them by different names. (A good example of this would be having Kain
walk up to Kizn and say "Hey, Ursus, I'm really sorry about knocking the door off
the hinges at your base." Yes, make references to OW!!) He also...for some strange
reason has begun to flip out whenever someone mentions chocobos or he sees one.
This happens a lot since that's what his summon materia calls for and ever since
Synthesis and his "companion" joined the merry band of adventurers...

Usually his gaining wolf ears atop his head accompanies this "flipping out", which then
disappear once he calms down and starts acting like himself again. But they sometimes
appear for no real reason, (always present when he's sleeping) and maybe a side effect
of using materia.
Someone will usually question them upon first meeting Kain they learn quickly
that he just doesn't seem to "get" what's wrong with them. Kain retains all
of his charm, but it's more a goofy, boyish charm and less of a con artist's charm.
Kain often seems "flighty" or really out of touch with what is going on, but can
still say amazingly intelligent things just "out of the blue". When he's not asking
where "Sofee" is, of course. ^_~

Creator's Comments:

I have stuck Inu in this because it was lonely without him. ^^; Once Kain get's
Inu-ized just write him the way he was written in OW!!. The quotes, well
#1 is probably something Kain would say, and #2 is something Inu would say. And,
no, he's not Inu-ized all the time. He flashes between Inu and Kain's personalities.
Inu comes forth when he sees a Chocobo.

Inu: Something I'd say? Like I'm not going to put boxers on my head and dance the
rain dance around Bri and Indigo the first chance I get. I don't care how stupid it makes me
look. And about those Giant Chicken things--

Inu is NOT stupid, okay? He just doesn't think the way "normal" people do. He's
kinda like a child in the way that he makes the most out of everything. Oh yes, and
don't be afraid to have Inu constantly undermining what Bri says. He has a habit of
making smart ass remarks that make me look stupid.

Inu: Only when you leave yourself wide open... As you often do.

I'm sure our OW!! friends remember the time Inu got possessed by Sephiroth because
of that stupid Inu Plushie taking attention away from him. It was kinda scary.

Inu: *smirk* But I took care of that plushie. Oh, yeah.

The colors he wears: White gives the impression of innocent and light blue is a calming
color. Kain wants people to trust him and see him as friend so it's easier to trick them.

Oh, and who knows from which FF character I stole the height and birthday?

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