Legal Stuff

Writers and artists who submit their work agree to let Beware the Radish and authorized folks (i.e., me) use the work they have submitted on the Beware the Radish web site for as long as Beware the Radish wishes to do so. Your art may also be used in promotions, icons, etc., within the confines of the Beware the Radish pageset. You will be asked before your work is used anywhere other than places listed above.

The Beware the Radish staff (i.e., me) reserve the right to make minor changes to any works submitted, in the area of reformatting and such. The Beware the Radish URL and the date the work was submitted will always be put into any story submitted, if they were not there already.

The stories and images are owned by the respective writers and artists and Beware the Radish will not make any money out of their works. Writers can use the stories they created for Beware the Radish on their own web site; ditto for artists and images. Otherwise, no stories or images can be used, copied, reproduced, etc. without the consent of the original writer or artist.

No Beware the Radish impro stories can be used, copied, reproduced, etc. elsewhere without the consent of every writer involved. If a writer gives you permission to let him/her use the impro story part they did for a Beware the Radish story, then it is all right to use their part, but not the rest of the pages done by different writers.

Beware the Radish
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