*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* High Stakes Created by NeoVid Starring Annette Jackson, Tyrell Morgan, and Rachel Miller Chapter 12: Double or Nothing Written by Kate Malloy *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* Annette awoke from a confusing dream, a mixed-up jumble of images from her battle last night, her battle with Talia, her battle with Tyrell, talking with Steve...all the recent events that had to do with the Game. As was the nature of dreams, a few moments later she could barely recall what she had been thinking about, and dismissed it from her mind. She realized that she wasn't in her apartment, and it took her a minute to figure out that she must be at Tyrell's place. She was lying on a small cot in his living room. As she sat up, she caught a glance at the time display on his VCR. "Oh, dammit!" she exclaimed. A half-shaven Tyrell came rushing out of the bathroom, still holding his razor. "What? What happened?" he asked. She threw the covers off and stood hurriedly. "I'm going to be late for my shift!" she cried, pointing at the clock. Tyrell shook his head. "No, you're okay. There's been a water main break downtown. Heard it on the radio this morning." Annette blinked in surprise, then sighed. "You're kidding me," she said in disbelief, flopping back down onto the cot. "Nope. Guess the Player's Luck pulls through again, huh?" "I don't feel very lucky..." Annette murmured, her memory flashing back to last night when she...when she...Her face paled. "Tyrell," she said quietly. "Last night, did you see...when I...?" She couldn't bring herself to finish the sentence. Tyrell sat down on the couch opposite her, absentmindedly putting the razor on the seat next to him. "You won," he said. Annette reached into her pocket and pulled out her Cards. She shuddered as she flipped over Hemophile, recalling that the monster was now in her possession. She held up the Annette card to Tyrell. "I used this." "You did," Tyrell answered simply. "What..." Annette stumbled over her own words. "What did it look like? I mean, what happened? What did you see?" Tyrell paused, choosing his words carefully. "You held out the Card. You said your own name. Then, there was this light...so bright that I couldn't look at you. When it faded, you had become-" "My picture," Annette interrupted. "Just like that. So then?" "You said a few things to him, then shot his Minion. It was over. The Card was coming to you. Then you started to glow again, and you collapsed. You were back to normal when I reached you. Chris ran off as soon as you started glowing again." "So it was all true," she whispered. "I really did use it." Her voice shook and her hands trembled. Tyrell didn't say anything. "I used it! I used myself!" she screamed. "And God, Tyrell, it felt so *good!* I felt powerful, completely in control - I felt better than I ever did before in my life! Like I was unstoppable, taking charge of my own destiny..." Her words ended in sobs. Tyrell put his arm around her and let her cry. "I'm scared," she said after she had finished crying. "I know I want to feel that power again. When I get challenged again, what's going to stop me from using it?" "I don't know," Tyrell answered honestly. "I can't even begin to imagine what it must have felt like. I'm sorry, Annette. I don't know if I can help you here." Annette managed a tiny smile. "Tyrell, you have helped. You've become a really good friend to me." She let out a shaky breath, gently moved his arm, and stood up. "And lord knows, I could use a friend right now." She sniffed and rubbed her eyes. "I must look like a mess...Do you mind if I use your bathroom so I can clean up a bit?" "Go right ahead," Tyrell said with a wave of his hand. "Thanks." Annette walked into the bathroom and shut the door. Tyrell noticed the razor sitting on the cushion beside him. "Blast it," he muttered. ***** Rachel entered Michael's hospital room to find Katsuya already waiting there, as he had been every day since Michael had arrived. "Hola, Katsuya," she said quietly. Katsuya nodded in response. Rachel sat down in the chair closest to Michael's bed. "No change," she stated. "Not a bit of change. Dammit. Damn *me.*" Her voice grew louder and angrier, and she clenched her hands into fists. "How could I have been so stupid? Okay, so there was never an official rule against showing your Minions to an outsider, but there was always an unwritten one. But I didn't care. All I wanted to do was show him what'd been taking up all my time. Why I was so upset." She stared straight at Katsuya. "I didn't know what it would do to him," she insisted, her voice quieting and her expression saddening. "I didn't think." She put her head down in her hands. Katsuya didn't react. The room became quiet, except for the tinny beeping of the machines hooked up to Michael. A little while later, Rachel looked up at Katsuya. "His parents called me two days ago," she said softly. "They knew we were amigos, knew I'd been coming to visit him. They asked me if I was there when it happened. They asked me if I knew how it had happened. I lied. I told them no. 'Cause what was I gonna tell them? 'Si, it was me. I showed him a monster and he went into shock.'" She slowly sighed, then looked back at Michael. "Yeah, it was me. I was responsible." Katsuya didn't say anything, nor did his face change expression. He just sat there, his features carefully neutral. "You said he's running for his life," she continued. "Running from it. Running from me. So what about you, Katsuya? You still running?" A few minutes passed. "Yes," Katsuya finally said, in a near-whisper. "Yes. Every day of my life. Every day until I die." Rachel looked on the verge of tears, and her hands began to shake. "But it might not be so bad for your friend," he added. "What he saw, what you showed him, couldn't be as bad as..." His voice trailed off. "That bad?" Rachel asked in shock. Katsuya nodded weakly. "There *can't* be more than one monster like that," he stated. Rachel got up and walked over to Michael's bed. She reached out and touched his hand. "Michael. Miguel. Come back," she pleaded softly. Now she was actually crying. "You gotta come back, dammit! Stop running away!" she sobbed angrily. "I'll help you fight it. I'm not leaving until you come back. I don't care if you hate me for the rest of your life for what I did to you. I'm still gonna fight for you. Michael. I'm sorry." No response. Well, at any rate, Katsuya thought, what he had told Rachel was true. He couldn't imagine anything, *anything* more terrifying than Shade. He just wasn't sure if it would do Michael, or Rachel any good. ***** Once again, Tyrell and Annette stood on Steve's doorstep. This time, however, it had been Annette who suggested coming, since she wanted to talk to Steve again. So after a quick phone call to make sure he was home, the two had headed over to his place. Tyrell pressed the doorbell, and a few moments later, Steve answered. "Hey, Tyrell, Annette," he greeted them. "So, what's going on?" The three stepped inside. "Hi," Annette said shyly. "Well...you remember my 'special' Card? Last night, I was challenged...and I used it." Steve blinked. "I think we'd better sit down." They walked to his living room, Annette and Tyrell sitting down on the couch while Steve took his usual chair. "All right," Steve said, almost hesitantly, "tell me what happened." "I was challenged by a kid who was down to his two last Cards," Annette stated. "I didn't want to fight him, but there was no way I could forfeit. I sent out Patchwork, and he brought out this." She handed Hemophile to Steve. Steve whistled in surprise. "Pure Blood. That's nasty." "Patchwork was losing," she continued. "Then I heard this voice in my head - but not my voice." "You didn't tell me that earlier," Tyrell noted. "I'm sorry," she said quietly. "I'm still very confused. Anyway...it told me to set it free. Once Patchwork was injured enough, I called it back. Then I held up my Card, and..." "There was a bright light," Tyrell continued. "When I could look back, Annette was just like the picture in the Card. She knocked out Hemophile with one shot from her bow. Then she changed back." "But when I was - well, for lack of a better word, I'll call it 'transformed' - I felt fantastic," Annette explained. "Powerful and...free somehow." Steve nodded. "I'd imagine that something like that could give you quite a rush," he said. "I don't really think you could understand it," Annette replied, with a slight shake of her head. She examined his face closely. "I'm surprised you haven't run away screaming yet," she said with a crooked smile. Steve let out a breath. "Takes a bit more than that to scare me, but I will admit to feeling just a bit nervous right about now." "Anyway..." Annette said slowly, "Tyrell and I were talking about the nature of the Cards last night. I think that the Cards might represent our spirits. Our souls." "I'm inclined to agree with you," Steve answered. "In fact, I've been thinking about something along that line since the last time you guys visited." He scratched his chin thoughtfully before continuing. "When you were little, did you ever pretend that you were a superhero, or a mighty warrior, or a space adventurer, or something along those lines?" Annette nodded. "Yes. I really liked the story of Robin Hood. I used to pretend I was a princess and I..." Her voice trailed off as she looked at the hard she was holding - her Card. "No. That's not possible." "You created a dream persona for yourself," Steve continued. "An archer princess. A heroine. Someone strong enough to stand up to any monster, any evil force. So once you created that persona, somewhere in your mind, it became real somehow. That's what manifested in the Card." "That's...my real spirit?" Annette asked, confused. "Deep down inside, maybe that's how you really want to see yourself," Steve answered. "Of course, this is all speculation." "So why wouldn't it sound like me?" she questioned. "Why would Annette-the- Card's thoughts be separate from Annette-the-person's?" "Maybe it's...an aspect of your soul?" Steve wondered. "I don't know...I've got the idea, but it's really hard to find the words to say it." "I *think* I see what you mean," Tyrell said. "But I'm not really sure how something like this could be possible." "There is a way we could find out..." Steve mused. "Since I last talked with you guys, I've had two matches. I won the first and lost the second. And I *was* tempted, especially in that second match, to use Terry's card." Annette blinked. "But you...oh no, you can't mean..." "There's nothing prohibiting Players from releasing their Minions for non-battle purposes," Steve continued. "Perhaps we should try and communicate with Terry." He pulled his deck out and shuffled through it until he found Terry. "Shall we?" ***** Visiting hours were nearly over at the hospital. Rachel was still sitting by Michael's bed, hoping for some sort of response, when that familiar feeling of dizziness washed over her. "Oh, shit. Not now," Rachel murmured after her head had cleared. Katsuya looked at her. "What?" "I've been challenged." Rachel pulled out one of her Cards, careful not to let Katsuya see the picture, and checked her opponent's stats. "This has got to be a mistake," she said angrily. "A goddamn freaking mistake!" Katsuya blinked. "Huh?" Rachel waved the Card wildly in the air. "There is no way a Player with a Ranking that low should even be able to challenge somebody like me!" she yelled. "It goes completely against the rules! And in order to have a Rank that low, he's gotta be down to his last Card. So if he's challenging somebody with my reputation, he's..." "Looking to die," Katsuya finished. "I won't do it!" she cried, her fists balled at her sides. "No way, no how. I ain't taking somebody out of the Game! I screwed up enough already," She looked over at Michael's bed. Her next words came slowly and quietly. "When I started this whole thing, when I first became a Player, I swore I'd never do this...I had too much pride. But now, I know I have to. I'm gonna forfeit." "No," Katsuya stated. "What?! What the hell do you mean?" she practically screamed. "You should talk to him," he answered. "Even if you forfeit, eventually he'll be in the same position again, and he'll choose someone else. If you talk to him, maybe you can help him out somehow." "Then after I talk, I'll forfeit," Rachel insisted. "Because that's the only way I think I can help someone like that." "Do you really want to be responsible for prolonging the inevitable?" Katsuya asked. "Not everybody's got a death wish, Katsuya!" Rachel exclaimed. "Like me?" Katsuya said quietly. "I...I didn't mean that..." Rachel apologized. "You did," Katsuya answered. "But that's all right. I know it's true. Anyway..." He hesitated. "I'll come with you." "Why?" she asked. "I know it's true," he repeated. "But some part of me still clings to a foolish hope that I can change that." Rachel considered his request for a few minutes. "Okay," she said reluctantly. "Let's go." ***** Author's Notes: It all started with a MSTing. No, seriously. Over at ImproFic Roast, the second fic they did was High Stakes #1. NeoVid requested it himself, and served as the villain. It was good - not only were the remarks funny, but the fic itself was really interesting. After that, I came on over to BTR, read the newer chapters (2-9 at that point), and signed myself up. Guess I played right into Vid's hands on that one, huh? ;) Another chapter, another crazy author's theory on exactly what the origin of the Cards is. ^_^ It's fun to speculate on this. HS has a really great cast of characters, and it was very fun getting into their heads for a little while. About Rachel and her upcoming opponent...I know that in previous chapters, nobody's been able to find out about how many cards his/her opponent has until they start fighting, but Rachel struck me as someone who's very smart and has figured out exactly what the statistics mean. Anyhow, thanks to John Evans, Ardweden, and Scott Schimmel for prereading, and to NeoVid for starting the story. Sorry for the delay, John. And I see that the queue is no longer empty! Yay! Now, either I inspired John and Ard to continue the story, or I screwed things up so badly that they immediately joined to fix it. ^_~ Kate Beware the Radish http://www.mit.edu/~johne/btr/ 4/26/00