The big rig hummed along. The driver adjusted his baseball cap and scratched at his stubble. He just finished the leg of his island-route from Kushiro to Obihiro, and now he'd set off for Asahikawa with hopes of reaching Sapporo by sometime tomorrow. There were worse jobs to have, and this one at least gave him the opportunity to travel all over Hokkaido. Maybe with some luck he'd actually make off this frigid northern island and to Honshuu. Maybe he'd even get lucky and find himself in Tokyo or Osaka. Anywhere the snow wasn't as plentiful would suit him fine. He looked down and saw a kid standing beside the road, trying to wave him down. He stopped and the kid jumped up into the cab. Skinny kid, real pale, he thought, boy needs to spend more time out in the sun. "Arigatou," the kid pulled the door shut. "Thought I was going to have to walk to Kuroimura." The trucker pulls away from the side of the road, and heads back down the highway. "I'll take you as far as the turn-off, but anything past that is out of my way. I'm heading through Asahikawa. Daijoubi desu ka?" "Hai, daijoubi desu," the kid replied, a thick American accent infiltrating his words. "You wouldn't want to miss your delivery." "Sapporo beer," the trucker explained. "I haven't missed a deadline yet. I'm Ishigawa Kenji." "Kurayamino Hoshi," the boy replied. "You are Japanese?" Kenji asked. "You sound like you come from America." "Hai," Kurayamino Hoshi replied. "I have spent a lot of time in America. I left Japan many years ago." "Ah, a wandering soul." "Hai." A pause. "Tell me, is there any news from Kuroimura? I heard that a few American archeologists had gone up to the Ryujiin Shrine a week back." Kenji nodded. "A terrorist set off a bomb there. It destroyed a large portion of the shrine." The boy sat up straighter. "Many hurt?" "No, the one professor is missing and presumed murdered." The boy licked his lips. "How dreadful. Have they caught the one responsible?" "No, but they have his face plastered all over the news. Still it's been a week without any leads. Word is that investigators from Sapporo have been hired on behalf of the archeology team to come and look around." The boy leant back against the seat. "Well, it seems that things do happen in our sleepy little town." "What's your reasons for going to Kuroimura, if I may ask?" "I lived there once. So I can tell you that nothing ever happens. I'm going back to visit family and take care of a little business." Kenji rubbed at his beard again. "Well, I hear that a lot of weird stuff happens around Kuroimura. Got a lot of buddies who think I'm crazy for driving this route. Can't say I blame them." Kurayamino Hoshi didn't reply. He stared out the window. The rest of the miles passed in silence. Kenji slowed the truck at the turn off for Kuroimura. "Your stop." The boy smiled. "Thanks again." He got out and waved as Kenji pulled away. The truck was the only one on the road. Kurayamino Hoshi watched as it tried to gear down while approaching that sharp corner ahead, and he knew that it couldn't possibly. The truck rolled over, it's weight pulling it down, and landed with a mighty crash on its side. Softly, ever so softly, the sound of gasoline leaking from the fuel tank can be heard. Kurayamino Hoshi smiled. "It appears you'll be missing your deadline after all, Ishigawa-san." The boy flicked his wrist at the truck and a small spark ignited in the nearby grass. Dry, and brown from the August heat, and lack of rain, the flames catch easily. They began to devour the grass on their way towards the truck and the gasoline fumes. Kenji continued beating against the windows of the truck, as he shouted that his seatbelt had caught him. Kurayamino Hoshi watched as the flames reached the gasoline and ignited. A glorious explosion of gas and flames consumed back of the truck. Kenji's screams can still be heard as the flames burn through into the cab. A cool breeze blew stands of pale blue hair away from the boy's pale face. A delighted look filled his silver eyes as he smiled. "Ah, such screams!" He whispers, rapture consuming him as the pitch of the shrieks reached a higher tone. "What a lovely voice you have, Ishigawa-san! You should have been a singer." Upon the boy's forehead the black five-pointed star gleamed. Kurayami no Hoshi [Dark Star]: When the Two Halves Rejoin By: Chandra Rooney [] Hosted by: Improfanfic [] Started by: Chandra Rooney Heroes and Villains are all a matter of perspective.For each shadow must have a light to create it. Father Xavier Cloud stood outside on the church steps. The figure walking towards him was wearing a t-shirt, cargo khakis, and sneakers. A worn backpack was slung over his shoulder and his eyes were hidden behind a pair of Ray Bans. "Demon," the elder clergyman whispered. The other people in the road took no notice of the strange boy. But the people of this town have always been blind to things like him. The boy walked up the steps and stood by the priest. "Konichi wa, jijii-san." "Hello," Father Cloud replied, "Zellar." The boy smiled. "I have need of the amulet your dear ancestor and namesake has passed down to you." Father Cloud looked from side to side and saw no one was nearby. If this creature chose to harm him he doubted his cries for help would be reached in time. Slowly, cautiously, he backed towards the church. "The amulet?" he asked, hoping to distract it. "W-whatever for?" The boy leaned against the railing and seemed to be the picture of casual youth. "The time has come for it to play its part." "You." Father Cloud swallowed. "You're not Zellar. You're that other one. The one that my grandfather said was known as Hoshi Kurayamino. Aren't you?" A nod. "Ee, jijii-san. I most certainly am. How very perceptive of you to notice." Father Cloud pulled the Ray Bans from the boy's pale face. Cool, confident, silver eyes stared back at him. "Satisfied, jijii-san?" The priest rubbed his hands over his face. He thought back to the yellow and frail pages of a journal left to him by his grandfather. "Tell me then, demon, how many will die if I give you this star?" "I owe you no answer to that, jijii-san. Why don't you tell me how you knew of my existence?" The demon crossed behind the priest, cutting off his path to the church. Now was not the time for lies, Father Cloud thought. could kill me in an instant. "The book." he swallowed, trying to strengthen his voice. "My ancestor's journal speaks of your creation. Now, answer me, how many will die if this star is used as you plan to?" "I believe the real question, jijii-san, is how many will live?" the demon asked. "Look at this town. It has survived and prospered despite its remote location and small population. People give thanks to your God, or maybe in the old days they gave credit to the many Guardian Sprites. But neither your God nor those damn sprites are the reason that Yasha hasn't swallowed this cursed place whole. It's the blessing of Kuroi Hoshi and the watchful guard of Dark Star that has held Yasha back for over four hundred years. And do you know why? It's because when it comes down to it, this is the realm of Kuroi Hoshi. God and Sprites hold power here only if we let them, and they can't save you from Yasha and the Devourer of Worlds, Shiko." The demon leaned in and tapped Father Cloud's chest. "Only the children of the Stars can protect the Queen of Heaven. So don't stand in my way, 'kapeash'?" "Children of the star?" Father Cloud swallowed. "Are there.are there more of them.?" The demon held out a hand. "Give me the star, jijii-san. I've already had a taste of mortal demise today, and I don't wish to kill you to satisfy my growing craving." Father Cloud tried his best to look stern. "You would threaten a servant of God so close to a Holy Sanctuary?" "I told you, jijii-san," the voice was soft and almost scolding, "your God has no power over me. I do not even recognize that pompous old goat as a legitimate Holy Power. Tell me, does he still ask for you to display those hideously tacky crosses and sing those ill-sounding hymns?" The priest clenched his fist. "Do not insult my God, demon. Please, leave me alone. I'm but an old man. What harm can I cause you?" The demon shook his head. "You aren't a threat.not unless you refuse to give me that amulet. You claim you've read some journal that talks about me, then you must know I won't leave you, not without that amulet." His hold on the chain faltered and the half-star tumbled to the ground. With a shaky voice he instructed,"then take it and be gone." The demon knelt and picked it up. He stood and looked at Father Cloud and his expression softened. "Are you so concerned about him? About the half of me that clings to his humanity?" Father Cloud blinked. "What was written in the journal, it's true then?" "How compassionate you are!" A tiny hint of awe in the demon's voice. "How amazing you mortals are! I never know what you'll do next. If there was only time for me to study you as you truly deserve.I have no doubt that you would make an excellent teacher of humanity's ways." Then with a cheery "ja mata, jijii-san!" the demon hopped over the railing and was gone. Father Cloud rubbed at his face again. "By God, please let this not come back to haunt me." Master Elcid watched as Vincent painted at a feverish pace. Forming on the canvas was two figures. Between them they held a black five-pointed star. One figure appeared to be some sort of demon. White-skinned with pale blue hair and silver eyes he wore a look of something like victory. The other figure was a boy with brown hair and pale blue eyes, with a fair complexion. He seemed reluctant as he reached his half of the star forward. On both their foreheads Vincent had painted a blazing black star. Master Elcid trembled at the sight of the mark. Could Vincent's talents have led him to a Child of the Star so soon? Was Kuroi Hoshi herself supplying his marvelous visions? "Vincent," he called out, interrupting the boy. "What have you here?" "I woke up and this vision was in my head," Vincent replied, almost out of breath. "I just had to paint them. They're so.powerful. The star itself wants me to make it glow." Elcid swallowed his fears. "Who is it?" "Well.I don't know. I mean, the boy looks like the one who told me about the statue. His name was Zellar. He's the only one I've ever met who was as taken with her as I was. But as for the other.the demonic boy, I really don't know. He felt.he feels similar to Zellar. They had to be painted together because they complement each other. This creature beside him exists almost beyond pain and suffering; it contradicts Zellar's angst and torment. That's what I hoped to capture in their expressions," he gestured, "Zellar's reluctance to let go of the past and Kurayamino Hoshi's impatience to just get it over with so he can move on." Elcid's heart was pounding in his chest. Sweet Gods! The boy knew the name of one of the Children of the Star. And he spoke as if they creature was something that he understood.such a power.such a skill with the Art. Vincent blinked. "Oh, forgive me, sir. I do tend to ramble when I'm excited." Elcid chose the safe road. "Does your friend Zellar usually have a black star on his forehead?" The boy wasn't ready to know of his great burden and gift just yet. " I just felt that he needed to have it," Vincent replied sheepishly. "You've always told me to trust my instincts, Master." "Indeed," Elcid nodded. "Have I ever told you of the legend of the great Black Star?" "Well." Vincent frowned, thoughtful. "All you've said is she was supposed to have founded this town and that no one can decide whether she was a demon or a goddess." "Hmm.indeed? Well, perhaps it's time I told you the whole story." Tenkou hadn't realized how amusing Joodan really was. Currently he was busy eating spaghetti with chopsticks, and doing a good job of it. Being born and raised in America, it seemed more than a little odd to her. "How can you do that without making a huge mess?" She asked. "Easy," he grinned. "You should try! It's easier than it looks." Tenkou couldn't resist his infectious cheer. She picked up a pair of chopsticks and expertly wound the noodles and sauce. She lifted it up, and smiled smugly. It was at that exact moment the mess slipped off her chopsticks and landed with a plop in her lap. "You meant to do that, right?" Joodan asked. "Uh." "Just smile and nod when someone asks you that." Tenkou rapidly shoved the mess at her mouth determined that it wouldn't slid into her lap again. Unfortunately her grip on her chopsticks faltered and the sauce-covered noodles flew over her shoulder and landed on some bald guy's head. She flushed as they remained stuck there, and turned to stare at the wall behind Joodan. "Well," he said looking at the bald man's head, "at least we know they're cooked." Tenkou giggled. She couldn't help it. "I think I'll use a fork from now on." Joodan stretched up to look over her head. "Hey, look, it's Angst Boy!" Tenkou started to turn, but the boy in question sat down in the chair next to her before she had the chance. She blinked and stared at him in completed shock. She'd never seen Dark Star so oddly dressed.he was wearing a t-shirt, cargo pants, and Ray Bans. He removed the sunglasses and set them on the table. "What can I get for you?" A waitress asked. Dark Star put his chin on his fist and stared at the waitress' tag for a long time before answering, "a cup of coffee, kudasai." "Sure thing," the waitress smiled. He smiled back. "So what's her name?" Joodan asked after she left. "That's not what I was looking at." Tenkou finally snapped out of her trance. She dropped her voice to a whisper. "I was worried sick about you, Zellar! What with the explosions and then you go and disappear! Where have you been? Were you hurt?" He reached over and tapped her nose lightly. "My dear, *you* should never eat spaghetti with chopsticks." "Haven't you heard a word I've been saying?" she asked, standing up and knocking her chair over. "Don't ignore me! I was worried and I want an answer!" It was then, and only then, that people turned and stared. They only stared at her, however. "She's so precious," Dark Star remarked to Joodan. "Couldn't you just eat her up?" "Why hasn't anyone been staring at us?" She demanded. "You didn't do anything really distracting until just now," Joodan told her. "Why? Do people usually stare?" "At demons with black stars on their foreheads and inutatsus? Yes!" "You mean I'm green?" Joodan asked, looking shocked. Tenkou ignored him. "They can't see what we are," Dark Star replied nonchalantly. "The people in this town are bound by magic. Only those skilled in the Art can see beyond the illusions." She sat down. "I want to know what happened, Zellar. Where did you go and why are you dressed like that? And don't you dare just shrug me off in some angst-y way and say it doesn't concern me or something." "I'm dressed this way because everyone dresses this way," he replied with a shrug. "And where I went honestly doesn't have anything to do with you." "Stupid angst-ridden jerk," Tenkou muttered. "It's called being 'bishounen'," Joodan supplied. "Being bishounen isn't an excuse for making me worry like that!" "Worried?" Dark Star's silver eyes widened a little. An innocent look flashed in them, but was destroyed by the smirk he wore. "Why don't you come here," he patted his knee, "and show me just how worried you were." Tenkou threw a chopstick at him. It hit him square in the middle of his forehead. Dark Star wiped the sauce from his star mark and pouted. "That wasn't very nice, Ten-chan!" "Who said you could call me 'Ten-chan'?" she demanded. Joodan was watching them both with a look of interest. "How come she can see what I am? And why would he come wandering in without his human guise on?" It was just after Dark Star demanded that Tenkou kiss him better that the inutatsu decided to confirm his growing suspicions. "You're not Dark Star," he announced. Dark Star turned and shoved Joodan face down into his plate of spaghetti. "Ten-chan, can you believe this guy?" he rolled his eyes and gave Joodan another little push for good measure. "Hey, Ten-chan, you remember that half-star I gave you to hold onto for me? Can I have it back now?" Tenkou pulled the chain from out of her shirt. "I thought you wanted me to have it for protection, or does that not concern me now, either? And stop calling me 'Ten-chan'!" He closed a fist around it with a wicked smile. "At last. Nice of you to hang on to it for me. Thanks." She tried to pull back. "Hey, wait! You gave it to me!" "Don't be stupid! Why would I do something so silly and sentimental like that?" Tenkou tried to pull away but the chain was already biting into the back of her neck. "You're not Dark Star! Joodan was right! You're not Zellar!" "That's very true," He gave the chain a little tug and it snapped. "I'm not Zellar." Tenkou tried to grab the star back, but her eyelids suddenly felt very heavy. She sagged against his chest and fell into the dreams. Milei and Zellar walked with a quickening pace through the woods. A growing feeling of dread had settled on Zellar. Yes, it was even greater than his usual feeling of dread. He hadn't even stopped to bandage his palms, but at least they'd finally stopped bleeding. "Slow down Mista Monsta Sir!" Milei protested. "I can't keep up!" Zellar dropped down beside the boy. If he had been in any other mood he would have tried to comfort the child. They both had lost someone very close to them recently. "I'll carry you on one condition," he told Milei instead, "you stop calling me Mr. Monster. My name is Zellar." "Okay, Mr. Zeller," Milei replied. It was close enough. Zellar lifted the boy onto his back. "Hang on tight, we're going to go fast!" They took off at top speed. Milei cried 'wheeee!' the whole way. It was night. She was standing in the doorway to the church and a priest was standing before a frightened Dark Star. "Please, Father Cloud," Dark Star begged, "please help me! I don't want to be like this!" The priest shook his head sadly. "But, my boy, this is how you were meant to be." "What? What do you mean?" "I had hoped that maybe, just maybe, you wouldn't turn," Father Cloud sighed. "When you were first brought into this village, Dark Sta-" "Don't call me that! My name is Zellar!" "No, no, it's not. Zellar is the name I gave you when your mother first brought you to me. She wanted her half-human child to grow up to appreciate mortals so he could best serve her purposes. I knew that the Kurayaminos had prayed and prayed for a child. Your mother said that they should raise you until the time came when she would return to see you returned to your place as her heir. You were adopted into the Kurayamino family. Hmmm.Kurayamino.'of darkness', how fitting." "What are you saying? My mother wasn't human?" Dark Star asked. "I was never human?" "That I don't really know. I have no idea how it works," Father Cloud sighed sadly. "You see, your mother was Kuroi Hoshi.the Black Star." Tenkou stirred in her sleep, the dream scene shifted. She was at a massive costume party and everyone was dressed like Vikings. A few people were carrying swords with faded runic cravings on them. "What the hell?" Tenkou asked, looking around. Just then about twenty Vallkyries burst in. The one in the lead yelled, "All right, Maurice! We know you've got those a couple of those missing Swords of Duality! And Oscar wants them back!" "What.the.hell." Tenkou said dragging the sentence out. Another Vallkyrie saw her. "Hey, what are you doing here?" "Ah, gomen nasai," a voice said, as everything got fuzzy, "wrong dreamer!" The vision shifted and changed back to the church. But the faint light coming in through the windows suggested that it much time had passed. It seemed to be close to dawn. She turned around and saw the priest and Dark Star. Someone else might have been behind Dark Star, but she couldn't make the fellow out. "And if what are we to do with him?" Dark Star was asking. "Until the time comes when you will need your full power-" Father Cloud began. "I'll just go wander the world or something. I think there's some sort of Renaissance thing going on over in Europe," another voice replied. Tenkou's vision shifted. She could see all three figures now. The Priest, Dark Star and.Dark Star again. Damn, she thought, these dreams just get weirder and weirder. "The ceremony separated your humanity from your demonic urges," Father Cloud tried to explain, "but it's also greatly reduced your strength. There will come a time when you will need to reverse the effects by rejoining the two star halves." "Need him?" the one Dark Star looked disgusted. "I don't need that thing! I came to you to exorcise it!" "I am offended by that, but I'll dismiss it as you being a little angsty over what happened to that Sprite chick tonight," the other Dark Star replied. "You will need the power in the future, Zellar," Father Cloud replied sternly. "When the Devourer of Worlds threatens you will have to be reunited. Only the Children of the Stars can keep the Queen of Heaven safe. Kuroi Hoshi has protected this area for centuries, and now the torch must pass to her child." One Dark Star looked down at the two halves of the black star in his hand. "And my mother really gave you this?" "Yes, I suggest you each take a piece." The other Dark Star shook his head. "No, jijii-san, you keep my half. It's safer here anyway. I'd probably lose it being the n'er-do-well that I am, right Angst Boy?" The other frowned. "Don't call me that." "Now, Zellar, you're certain that you wish to remain here?" Father Cloud asked. "Yes, Father, as long as Tenshi is here, I have no reason to want to leave." Zellar and Milei arrived in town. They would have been faster, but Milei slowed Zellar down. They went straight to the square, where they found Tenkou snuggled up against someone on a bench, and Joodan talking to someone. Zellar put Milei down. Joodan looked up. "Hey, it's Angst Boy! 'Bout time you showed up, Zellar, Tenkou was worried." The inutatsu grinned. The young painter turned and smiled at Zellar. "Zellar, it's good to see you again. I finished that painting of the fountain. I must show it to you sometime." Zellar resisted the urge to run over and snatch Tenkou away from the creature holding her. "Hello, Vincent," he said softly. "It was a stroke of luck that I found your green friend here," Vincent smiled. "He's a rather amusing fellow, isn't he?" "As a heart-attack," Zellar replied. Milei wandered over to the pool where the fountain had stood, and began tossing pebbles of what might have been Tenshi at one point into the water. "Vincent." Zellar cleared his throat and struggled to keep from strangling the little brat. Didn't kids these days have any respect? "I would love to talk to you, but if you'll give me a moment, I have to take care of something first." He walked over to the bench where Tenkou and the figure sat. Tenkou was waking up now, opening her eyes and pushing away from the creature that she had been resting against. "Zellar?" she asked, looking up at him. "It's you this time, right? And.are you really just half of the Dark Star?" He knelt down on the ground beside her. "More dreams?" She nodded. Two halves of a black star dangled down before his face. "Hello, Zellar, it's time." Zellar looked up into a face that was a mirror of his own. "What makes you say that, Kurayamino Hoshi?" The demon smiled. "You would have died in that battle with Himiko if I hadn't leant you power. We were joined again for those few wonderful minutes. I enjoyed the terrified look in the bitch's eyes. She really deserved it, didn't she? After what she did to your dear-" "Shut up," Zellar hissed. "Oh, and there's the matter of the Holy Shards that purified that child's dear parents. You really think that they just found their way out? Please, I pushed them out and even saved two mortals and you can't even speak civilly to me." Zellar held up his wounded palms. "Couldn't think of a less painful way to get them out?" The demon shrugged. "That was the least painful way." Tenkou glared at Zellar. "You did go and get yourself hurt, didn't you? Why didn't you call for me? I would have helped!" She turned to Kurayamino Hoshi. "And stole that star half from me!" He smiled and gave her a mock bow. "I'd be happy to give you back the whole amulet when we're through with it, m'Queen." Tenkou folded her arms. "If I let you use it how do I know things just won't get worse?" "You really couldn't stop me." "Zellar has to agree to it!" "I have a crush on Angst Boy." She turned red. "I told you not to call me that," Zellar muttered. "Why not?" Kurayamino Hoshi stood. "You are Angst Boy. You're Mr. The Misery of the World Rests on my Shoulders. Mr. I Would Die if I had Some Fun or Actually Found Some Joy in Life." "Well, excuse me," Zellar snapped. "My life hasn't exactly been happy!" "You've had every opportunity, but you're too scared to take the chance!" "I am not!" "Then why are you so terrified of rejoining?" Zellar shut his mouth and just glared. Kurayamino Hoshi smiled. "Jan Ken Poi. If you win I'll let this whole rejoining business drop. And I'll stop calling you Angst Boy. But if I win, you have to go through with the rejoining ceremony here and now." Zellar shrugged. "Sure." Tenkou stepped between them. "You'd let something so trivial as Rock Paper Scissors decide your fate?" Joodan raised his hand. "Um, it's common knowledge that the two-halves of the Dark Star have to rejoin. Besides, my vote is to do it. Anyone's got to be more fun than Mr. Mopey." "Well it's not common knowledge to me!" Tenkou snapped. "And I don't think we should take the chance! And you had better not say anything, demon boy!" Kurayamino Hoshi blinked. "Oh, I'm sorry. I wasn't listening. I was preoccupied with wondering what it would be like to kiss you. But as for what the inutatsu's true. You all seem to think that there's some sort of choice here. Whether it happens now or it happens will still have to happen." Tenkou nearly fell over. How infuriating! She grabbed Zellar's arm. "Please, please, please don't become like this guy!" He patted her arm and whispered, "don't worry. I'll use rock. It beats everything." The two halves of the Dark Star faced each other and began. "Jan.Ken.Poi," Zellar said. "Drunken Boy!" Kurayamino Hoshi announced cheerfully. Tenkou looked at the results and nearly fell over. "Zellar, you idiot! Paper beats rock!" "Oh, so it does, I guess I lose." Zellar took the outstretched star half. "Can you hold her back, Joodan? And get a few feet away yourself. I seem to recall this putting out a lot of magickal energy." Joodan took Tenkou by the arm. "C'mon, I don't think you want to be at Ground Zero when this happens." "This is like my painting!" Vincent exclaimed. The inutatsu and the enraged female turned to stare at him. "Painting?" Tenkou asked. The painter nodded. "Well, Zellar doesn't have a glowing black star on his forehead, but this is definitely close." "He doesn't have one *yet*!" Kurayamino Hoshi corrected. "Tenkou, can you make sure Milei doesn't fall in the pool?" Zellar asked, as the outline of a star formed over his 'third eye'. "I'm supposed to take care of him. Dying wish sort of thing." She looked back at the small boy tossing stones into the pool. A sudden chill overcame her, and she rubbed her arms. There was something wrong with the gleeful look in that kid's eyes. With her attention focused on Milei, it proved to be the attention the two halves needed. "Yukikeru!" the two said as one and pressed the star halves together. Black winds swept over Zellar, tearing away his human guise.and then the rejoining began. As the star amulet resealed itself into one the two being were replaced with one. Tenkou looked back in time to see the last flare of magickal power fade away. Pale blue hair fell over pale skin, silver eyes and sharply pointed demon's ears poked out from the hair. A five-pointed black star proudly marked Dark Star's 'third eye'. He was wearing a white t-shirt, and khaki cargo pants. Tenkou glared at Joodan. "I told you we'd lose Zellar!" Dark Star walked over and whacked Joodan on the head. "*That's* for calling me Angst Boy earlier." "Now, now, is that any way for a demon to behave?" Joodan asked, rubbing his head. "I am a representative of the Gods." "Oh, that's right, isn't it?" Dark Star whacked him a few more times. Tenkou stared at them. Dark Star stopped with his fist an inch from Joodan's skull and sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. He held out the amulet to her. "I promised I'd return it. Will you still wear it, Queen of Heaven?" Joodan just about fell over. "Tenkou, wait! Do you what it means to wear a demon's amulet?" She shook her head. "It's like-" the inutatsu floundered, unable to find the words. "It's's like." Tenkou rolled her eyes. "You have no idea, do you?" "Why would I? I'm a servant of the gods. But I just.come on, it's Angst Boy!" Dark Star smirked at him "You want another whack?" "Oh, so you're completely over Tenshi's death then?" Joodan asked. The demon's smug expression faded. " I probably won't ever get over it. But that doesn't mean I'm going to go crawl in a hole and wait for Yasha to kill me." Tenkou looked at him for a moment before saying anything. "'re really different now, aren't you?" He reached over and slipped the chain over her neck. "Maybe. Can't change the past, can we? Can't know the future. So why spend right now miserable?" "You're delirious from what just happened, aren't you?" "If so you won't hold this against me, ne?" He reached forward and kissed her on the lips. When he pulled away Tenkou was breathless. "Yucky!" Melei cried. "So that's what it's like to kiss you," Dark Star said, "Very nice. Even nicer than Ten.than her." Tenkou slapped him. Delirium, or no delirium. "Hey, if you're going to be like that I won't do it again!" "Oh please do," Vincent said, a charcoal pencil in one hand and an open sketch-book in the other. They stared at him. "I was almost finished sketching when you stopped," he explained. Tenkou flushed. "Has everyone gone crazy!?" Yasha frowned as she observed the disgusting display of affection and cheer from her throne. Dark Star was supposed to be out of his mind with grief, not moving into a rebound relationship. She hadn't foreseen Kurayamino Hoshi's return from America happening so quickly. That damned demon half of the Dark Star had evaded every minion she'd set after him during the ages.and countered every advance she'd made in hopes of wining him to her side. The joining of the two halves meant that Dark Star was at full power. But he still had a weakness.his human half still mourned for Tenshi, and these new friends of his could become angles to drive at him further. She looked over at the figure in the darkness. "Gyoshi, Step up the torture session's intensity," she instructed. "We need to break that damned Sprite now! Dark Star has returned to his complete state and I need to use every weapon we have against him. I cannot afford to have the Children of the Stars unite. The Great Master has waited too long for the chance to return to this plane." "Yes, my Queen," Gyoshi nodded. "I understand completely. I will do whatever it takes." From across the street, a woman with long, black hair and pale skin watched the events in the square. She was dressed smartly in a deep violet-black business dress and jacket. She pushed the Ray Bans that she'd recently acquired up her nose, and took another sip from her iced coffee. The Black Star upon her forehead glimmered in-sync with the one on Dark Star's forehead, but no one in Kuroimura noticed. Who could notice, after all? Everyone who could see through her illusions, except for Elcid, were focused on her son and that girl, Tenkou Stone. Kuroi Hoshi, the Black Star, smiled. The players from her town had finally gathered together. The devil spy that existed in their group would have to be vanquished before it would be safe for her to reveal herself. She sighed and took another sip of the icy liquid. Dark Star had survived this long without a mother's intervention, and surely in his completed state he'd be able to take care of the individual in question without thinking twice. She took out a compact and began applying concealing powder to her forehead. "How convenient that dear Detective Kage looked so much like me." To be continued. And now.let's learn Japanese with Inu! Actually, Inu doesn't want to help, so let me just outline the Japanese stuff. If you know this already, skip ahead, if you don't read on! Kuroi= black mura= village Kuroimura does not exist as far as I know, but I've never been to Hokkaido. ^^; Arigatou= thank you. "Doomo Arigatou" or "Arigatou gozaimasu" would have been more appropriate in the respect factor, but this tells us that Kurayamino sees himself as higher in the hierarchy than Kenji. Either that or he's just being rude. Could be a combination of the two. Ishigawa= Stone River [common Japanese surname] Kenji = common boy's name Kurayamino = of darkness Hoshi= a star. Daijoubi desu ka= Is that okay/all right? Hai, daijoubi desu= Yes, that's okay/all right. Jijii= old man/grandfather Shiko= death [shi] child [ko] Kenji says his surname first because that is how Japanese would traditionally introduce themselves. Kurayamino calls Kenji by his surname because Japanese people usually only call close friends by their first names. Kurayamino Hoshi is "Star of Darkness" and the demon doesn't reverse the order of his name. Could have been the influence of the time in Amerika ^^; Hokkaido is the most northern island of the four main islands. My teacher also told me it's one of the less inhabited. That's why I chose to put Kuroimura on it. Also, in Japan you don't stick out your thumb while hitchhiking, you wave the car down. At least you do on Honshuu. Japanese people really do eat spaghetti with chopsticks. Jan Ken Poi [assuming I spelled it right] is the Japanese name for Rock Paper Scissors. Drunken Boy is a joke that came from a friend in my Japanese class. Tenkou reacts to being called Ten-chan because Zellar has never used this sort of informal/affectionate title to her before. Okay, now to thank John Evans for the proof/pre-reading he did. Hopefully I managed to fix all the mistakes. ^^; Well, I had fun. Maybe too much fun. Is Angst Boy really gone? Is the Demon Star half [I love the name, Evans-san ^^] going to continue to dominate the personality? What about Kuroi Hoshi, what's she planning? How does Vincent fit into the picture? And what's up with that psycho-kid, Milei? Well, that's all up to you guys. But I think it's safe to say I've done my part for lightening the mood. So let's welcome in our next writer.Delfina! "Here we go! go! Keep on running No one will be able to catch us I want very deeply to be able to Give a Reason for life to my future self" -- "Give a Reason", Slayers NEXT op theme ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Serve up some Anime at The Moonbeam Café **************************************************** Swift Demon Productions "Making the World a better place one fanfic at a time" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~